Friday, December 20, 2013

Begging Text Anton Ewald - Josh\'s little secret(VIDEO),When Candice dumped Josh two months ago, his ego was bruised... When he saw Candice starting dating his best friend at work, he was crushed...

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Begging Text Anton Ewald - Recently dumped? Do this.,When Candice dumped Josh two months ago, his ego was bruised... When he saw Candice starting dating his best friend at work, he was crushed... But then Josh did some research, and found this... Read More!

Asphostportal :: How you can Upload File To Sharepoint Document Library With With Object Model


So far so good, it has been wonderful journey of studying SharePoint. With each finish of day we learn some thing new and wants to share that with my readers. So right here we're again showing you one much more aspect of SharePoint programming. In my earlier post we had written about, Programming SharePoint Lists, in which we showed all of the CRUD operations that will be completed on SharePoint List. Here we shall be speaking in regards to the document libraries. Nicely they are also a single variety of the list , however the vast difference in between them is that the Lists stored the structured information, properly as Document Libraries are accountable for storing the unstructured information like documents or any other binary information. Their attributes and events are also distinct from the common lists. Within this brief post , we'll be teaching you the following:

- how you can upload the files within the document library programmatically
- the way to produce a brand new folder within the document library

So let us take one by a single.

How to upload the files inside the document library programmatically

With rich object model of SharePoint , this could be accomplished with couple of lines of code.So let us assume that you have FileUpload manage from the, where the end user will probably be picking the file. We've kept this manage inside the user handle.This user controls also exposes other properties like SiteCollection,Internet and DocumentLibraryPath. All these three properties are of String type. Let us see now what occurs when user clicks on the Upload Button

Protected Sub BtnUpload_Click(ByVal sender As Object, ByVal e As EventArgs) Handles BtnUpload.Click

If Not String.IsNullOrEmpty(_DocLibPath) Then
If Not String.IsNullOrEmpty(Me.FileUpload1.FileName) Then
Dim objSiteCollection As New SPSite(_SiteCollection)
Dim objWeb As SPWeb
objWeb = objSiteCollection.AllWebs(_Web)

If Not objWeb Is Practically nothing Then
objWeb.AllowUnsafeUpdates = Correct
objWeb.Files.Add(_DocLibPath & Me.FileUpload1.FileName, Me.FileUpload1.FileBytes)
objWeb.AllowUnsafeUpdates = False
Catch ex As Exception
Finish Attempt
Finish If
Label1.Text = "Please provide the file name"
End If
Throw New Exception("Please define the property value of DocumentLibararyPath")
End If
Finish Sub

After initializing the SPSite and SPWeb objects, with the property values from the user handle. We add new Item to FilesCollection property of SPWeb object. This method accepts the document name along with its full path and the second parameter is the array of bytes, which is the actual content of the document.Notice one thing right here is that we are calling the Add method after we've got set the AllowUnsafeUpdates property in the SPWeb object to True. This is very important because of Security issues,as your code is going to update the SharePoint objects without any pre authentication. SharePoint will throw the exception "The security validation for this page is invalid. Click Back in your Web browser, refresh the page, and try your operation once more." Once the file is uploaded we are setting back the property to false. So with just few lines of code, we've got uploaded a new document to the SharePoint document library. Now let us jump to the next section.

The way to produce new folder in Sharepoint document library

If Not String.IsNullOrEmpty(TxtFolder.Text) Then
Dim objFolders As SPFolderCollection = objWeb.Folders
Dim CheckIfFolderExists = From folder As SPFolder In objFolders _
Exactly where folder.Name.Equals(Me.TxtFolder.Text)
If CheckIfFolderExists.Count > 0 Then
objWeb.AllowUnsafeUpdates = True
objFolders.Add(_DocLibPath & TxtFolder.Text)
objWeb.AllowUnsafeUpdates = False
Me.Label1.Text = "Folder Already Exists"
Finish If
End If

After checking whether folder with the same name already exists within the document library through Linq expression. We use SPFFolderCollection object and initialize this object with the SPWeb.Folders property. Once more using the Add method on the SPFolderCollection which accepts the full path on the document library along with the folder name. Again it is being accomplished by setting the AllowUnsafeUpdates to true and false.

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